Sodalite is an excellent choice to help transform invading thoughts into something positive and constructive. It acts like a great companion who will remind you to take a deep breath and think things through. Sodalite opens the mind to logic and rationality, inducing clarity and comprehension.
The generator quartz is a rock crystal with a well-formed natural or just polished.
Like any rock crystal it can be programmed.
In order to enter into energetic contact, it is necessary to activate it before using it.
Sit comfortably and place your quartz in front of you.
Take several deep breaths and focus on the energy of your heart chakra. On the exhale, visualize a significant flow of love coming out of you and floods to the crystal.
After few minutes your quartz generator is activated.
The size of the tips can very both in length and width : 35-45mm
*Priced per individual crystal