It can encourage healthy cell regeneration, cut down on migraines, and gift you the tools you need to forge your own peaceful path through the forest.
the stone can be used in increasing psychic awareness.
The pyramid helps us cope with the changes in the body that are taking place at this very moment. They help us increase our vibration and frequency so that we can keep up with the natural universal progression.
Like any rock crystal the jade's pyramid can be programmed.
In order to enter into energetic contact, it is necessary to activate it before using it.
Sit comfortably and place your quartz in front of you.
Take several deep breaths and focus on the energy of your heart chakra. On the exhale, visualize a significant flow of love coming out of you and floods to the crystal.
After few minutes your quartz generator is activated.
The size of the Pyramid can vary between 15 to 20 mm.